We talk about surprise murals, the ways the pandemic shifted my career, the #HayesValley (#SF) art scene and our upcoming show in ANOTHER WORLD in Bogota Colombia! Watch the full interview here

Presented by - @TheMavenGallery, @VisajeGraffiti and @Peregrino_Printlab.

DECEMBER 10TH, 2022 - A collaboration of 3 Galleries x And the curation of 3 collectives.
🔸Presenting the work of 🔸
:: Colombia Artists ::
▫️Dirt Sucio - @dirt_sucio
▫️El Nino Autista - @elninoautista
▫️Goske Paramo - @goskeparamo
▫️LA DUENDE - @laduende
▫️ Kohu - @dotkohu
▫️Leela - @leela.mv
▫️Senil - @senilstencil
▫️Vogel - @orfanatoestudiograffiti
:: USA Artists ::
▫️Alice Koswara - @alicekoz
▫️Asa Jones @asajones2
▫️Aura Jane - @tattoosbyaurajane
▫️Austyn Sullivan @austyn_sullivan_art
▫️Benry Fauna - @benryfauna
▫️Brittany Schall - @B. Schall
▫️Charlie Rose - @SnackDoll
▫️Daniel Grey - @danielgr3y
▫️HiEricBro - @hiericbro
▫️Lilian Aguinaga @lillianaguinaga
▫️Sasha Swan - @sosh.0
▫️Stephanie Creekpaum @heartworkarts
🔺Galleries Opening 🔺
➡️ Visaje Graffiti x 2
Cll 43 18a-10
Cra 3 12-42
➡️ Peregrino Printlab
Cra 23 73-78
BOGOTA - DEC 10 - 2022
