100th Sketch Tuesday 111 Minna Gallery

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Sketch Tuesdays was founded at 111 Minna in 2006 by Sacha Eckes, an artist and curator who has deep roots in San Francisco and Belgium. Based on the once a year fundraiser titled Monster Drawing Rally at Southern Exposure, and due to the success of that, Sacha thought “Why once a year?” and Sketch Tuesdays was born as a monthly event at 111 (with full appreciation of SoEx). Sacha moved back to Belgium and gave the event to her friend Brad K. Alder.


Nate Van Dyke, Jacqueline Cooper, Brett Amory, Annie Galvin, Fred Noland, Kelly Tunstall, Ferris Plock, Katherine O’Harrow, Micah LeBrun, Chad Hasegawa, Mary Elizabeth Yarbrough, Daryll Pierce, Anna Lorraine, Caitlin Ng, Kevin Earl Taylor, Gianluca Franzese, Miguel Cardona Jr., Claire Britt, Eric Broers, Alice Koswara, Scott Greenwalt

Co-hosted by Jen Peterson. Link

#opening #111minna #sketchtuesdays #AliceKoswara